The test equipment for the Rosenergoatom Technological branch checked
On 11 November 2022 at the Izolyator test center for high-voltage electrical equipment successfully completed a test a 750 kV divider for the R&D Industry Center for Metrology of the Rosenergoatom Technological branch.
The R&D Industry Center for Metrology of the Rosenergoatom Technological branch is the head organization of the metrological service for the Electric Power Division of the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation. The parent organization of the metrological service implements the unified technical policy of the Rosatom to ensure the unity and required accuracy of measurements related to atomic energy use and its formation in terms of the established activities of the Electric Power Division, and also solves a set of other tasks.
Verification of a 750 kV divider for the R&D Industry Center for Metrology of the Rosenergoatom Technological branch at the Izolyator high-voltage electrical equipment test center
The works were carried out in accordance with a long-term cooperation framework agreement between the Izolyator Group and the All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology.
Setting the divider in the 1200 kV station of the test center
Participants in the verification of the 750 kV divider for the R&D Industry Center for Metrology of the Rosenergoatom Technological branch
The purpose of the agreement is to consolidate efforts in creating of a reference base for metrological support for testing electrical equipment at voltages over 500 kV of DC and AC current of industrial frequency and amplitudes of lightning and switching impulses over 1000 kV in Russia.